Blessing of Kronos modifies Venomous Attacks, and boosts the rate at which you earn adrenaline, while also making you immune to the adrenaline-draining or freezing effects of Isu soldier attacks.Wrath of Ares modifies Ring of Chaos, and lets you smash your spear into the ground to create a circular field that slows enemies down and explodes after 14 seconds.Kronos' Punishment modifies Call to Arms, and creates a clone of you to stealth-attack your enemies before vanishing.These don't require Ability Points to unlock, although the underlying Ability needs to be fully leveled up, and you can switch between the enhanced and original versions at any time. By finding Keeper's Insight tablets, you can enhance three of your existing skills to become something completely different. New abilities will help you make short work of these threats, however. In addition to the superpowered regular troops and bronze Kolossi from previous episodes, you'll also face powerful masked commanders who can absorb (and deal) tons of damage, and who will keep you on your toes by teleporting and firing energy beams like the Kolossi do. The catch is that most of those insights and loot are guarded by Isu soldiers, who patrol the fortresses and archives you'll need to raid in your quest for Isu enlightenment. This wisdom literally opens new doors, as each knowledge tier you attain lets you pass through certain gated barriers, which in turn lets you access more insights and more powerful loot.
Your second goal is to finally unlock the full potential of the powerful Staff of Hermes Trismegistus – along with Alexios or Kassandra's Isu DNA – by scanning data caches, message tablets, and other artifacts.

You'll need to solve ethical dilemmas and settle disputes between citizens, as well as investigate forbidden research – and as if that weren't enough, someone's gone and set a werewolf loose in the streets. And there's a lot that needs judging Atlantis' stumbling leaders need help managing the restless human population, which sometimes involves crushing rebellion or staging bloody arena fights. You have two major goals during your stay in Atlantis first, as Dikastes, your job is to judge the city and its inhabitants. As a human-Isu hybrid, you're seen as a living attempt to achieve that balance – and so you've been appointed Dikastes, a ruler-judge who answers only to Atlantis' leader, Poseidon. If Fields of Elysium was about pushing back against the absolute control of Persephone, and Torment of Hades was about surviving the surreal chaos of the Underworld, Judgment of Atlantis is about finding balance between the two extremes. Under that shining exterior, however, lies a cesspool of corruption and incompetence, where more than a few Isu citizens seem to chafe at the idea of laws protecting humans – and you've been put in charge of deciding its fate. Atlantis is a gleaming center of science and technology, where humans and Isu – Assassin's Creed's mysterious First Civilization – walk side-by-side in an experiment to create a perfectly balanced society. Judgment of Atlantis, the third episode of Assassin's Creed Odyssey's The Fate of Atlantis story arc, pulls players out of the Greek afterlife, and into its titular watery city.